Sunday, September 19, 2010

Two Famous People

There are two people who during this dance study i will b researching. One is Anna Pavlova, who is a russian ballet dancer. She is so beautiful on pointe. It is amazing how a person can be beautiful on pointe. Also, i am going to be researching Enrico Cecchetti who was  a italian ballet dancer. He loved dancing!! He helped Russia evolve better pointe shoes. Afterward, he went on to teach where he taught Anna Pavlova the Russian ballet and the Italian ballet. Here are some pictures of them Anna on left and Enrico on right:


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Have You Been Stretching?

I have been stretching out my gracilis because i have been trying to get my splits down. I have been stretching over 12 muscles just in my thigh when i do my split.  It is amazing how many muscles in our body we have. Also, i have been reading this book about the muscles in the body, and how to stretch all of  them. For stretching the thigh there are more then 36 stretches. It just blows me away.

Here is the thigh, and most of its components.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Starting Up!!

I have wanted to have a dance blog for a while, and now i get to have my very own. I'm so excited!!!  I hope you are as excited as i am. Also, here is a video to get you started, and excited. a very pretty dance.