Monday, October 4, 2010

Fitting Pointe Shoes

When you get your first Pointe shoes, you should really try to get your teacher to come with you because they know much more about Pointe shoes them you do at the begining. Make sure that in Pointe shoes you can go to demi- pointe. Also, the Pointe shoe should be three sized smaller from normal shoe size, and one width wider.


  1. that sizing only works for certain brands - most of them - but make sure you check to make sure that is the sizing for the brand you get because I have made that mistake and gotten pointe shoes that were WAY too small for me.

  2. really wow thats intresting!!!:P

  3. it wasn't very interesting when i spent like 70 dollars on them and couldn't wear them or return them... it was just annoying.

  4. Zoe,
    I wonder why they need to be smaller, yet wider?

  5. ya that is a good questions:)
    thanks Heather
